Sunday, May 3, 2015


Blank slate-you could consider me so.You can start off with the scratch and write all you have in store for me.Traumatizing,agonizing, heart rendering truths that overwhelms me from within..Or you can synchronize it with love,trust,bond,faith-(I know they all sound so good.).Only if they were to ooze from my core life would be worth it! But "contradiction" is the ultimatum.who says I can have all I want? Who says I can't have all I want?see I told you contradiction,none but mere contradiction epitomizes your life as well as mine.But, if that's so why don't we let fate take over us from the runway of dilemma.Why do we try over and again? From contradiction to perfection ,i strive for finding the true me and so do you..with all you have, you try to find the real you..You push yourself behind your limits at times and somethime you just let it go......Life complicates it witha bump..eases it with a swing, twists and turns witha swirve -roaller coaster ride of our life I meant.There are loads to lose yet the loss doesn't make you a loser.That's the beauty of life.Like a gambler who's willing to bet his last penny as he's flying in the world of grandiosity(imagines himslef in a limousine making his way to the top casino in Toronto with a woman he has always dreamt of beside his arms).You know exactly what I mean right..His Limousine may be our toyota,toronoto may be right here right now and the woman he drools for might be the perfect thing that makes your life worth it(doesn't have to be a guy/ could come in any forms ;parents as your mentors,siblings as your strength,friends as your soulmates,your career as your dream,your lifestysle as your pride).anything subtle or challenging makes life worth it if you don't underestimate it. We sometimes tend to be submissive about change when we should be able to embrace it.....What i mean to say is clear as a crystal thereon. Be it contradiction or some other fallacy, we drive ourselves to it.Life doesn't...Life provides us with a blank paper and a charcoal to draw our lives the way we want to...sometimes we improvise it, sometimes we tear ir apart..We match up with its melancholy like a lullaby of bed time stories, yet we tend to ignore and trash it until we have driven everything we ever loved away from us....With contradiction our existence is dubious..But the true challenge is not having to conquer life..the true challenge is within you.Having to conquer your innerself..Being adept and knowing the true "you"..And more over being able to make right "choices"...So the contradiction that are able to manipulate us are none but the choices we make in life...We fall because we were carefree; ignored the pit that was ahead of us.We lament because we let somebody else mortify us from inside out.We give priorities when we were supposed to ignore it.We hold on to it..when the best thing to do is to let go..We lose our loved ones because we were too foolish to make right choices ..Its us...The contradiction plays its game not to see what has life in store for us but to see what do we have in our minds...The insights that we have learnt all along..let it come into effect..The choices you make, don't let it contradict with the true "you" NOTE:I have made wrong choices in life .That's the part of life. And life goes on maintaining its slow and steady pace.Whatsoever, with the wrong choices we have once made, it provides us with a chance to correct it so DO NOTturn a blind eye on to it lets you confront yourself about what went wrong and that's how you learn to make right choices.....) So if you were ever worried about having done something wrong, and not leading the life you wanted to;life always gives you second chance.Don't contradict your choices.accept it..Embrace your life..acknowledge the true you....Afterall you are worth more than anything ...You stumble...You stand up..laugh right at it..and stride ahead..that's the way to go) DEDICATED TO EVERYONE WHO LOVE THEMSELVES & DARE TO MAKE IT RIGHT WHEN THEIR WORLD IS TURNING UPSIDE DOWN

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