Sunday, May 3, 2015

For greatest fallacy is 'ignorance'!

The greatest fallacy of humanity is  "Ignorance" ! Here I am endorsing my observation as this is  something I have pondered about, for quite some time now and Nepal Earthquake aftermath is only making it firmer for me.In this turbulent time,I saw people join hands to make a difference -working tirelessly day and night,  I saw other group of people who might not be the frontrunners yet not giving up hope nor positivity or a chance to make a difference in whatever way they could and then there are the third category of vindictive individuals who neither helped nor hoped, but just put the blame on systems and processes in place ! I am not saying our systems isn't broken, I am not saying its not okay to be frustrated in this time of despair; however all I am saying is at least give it a thought,wait at least few seconds to form an opinion.Don't blatantly form judgments in thin air ! Open your senses and use your conscience before taking upon social media to use profanity or before beinging hung up on people/places/situation that might not have started as your true opinion on the first place, but Ripple effect of what masses believed to be true! On that note,lets not lose heart nor hope,since hope is the gleam of light that illuminates tunnel of darkness!

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